Belgium stands out as one of the top study destinations in Europe, offering a unique combination of academic tradition and dynamic student life. This guide presents everything you need to know about how to study in Belgium. Discover the necessary administrative procedures, the best universities in the country, available programs and scholarships, as well as practical advice for settling in and integrating. With its rich cultural heritage, diversity, and high quality of life, Belgium is an ideal destination to enrich your academic and personal journey.


In Belgium, international students have a variety of options for higher education, suitable for all profiles, whether they are high school graduates, higher education students, or researchers. Belgian universities offer a wide range of study programs in various fields, and they are often ranked among the best in the world in certain specific areas.

Like the majority of European countries, Belgium adopts the Bologna Process (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctorate) to standardize degrees across Europe and facilitate student mobility.

  • Licence : obtained in 3 years (6 semesters), equivalent to 180 ECTS credits ;
  • Master : obtained in 2 years (4 semesters), equivalent to 120 ECTS credits ;
  • Doctorate : typically obtained in 3 years (6 semesters).

One of the main advantages of studying in Belgium is that the value of higher education degrees is guaranteed by the State.

To be admitted into the French educational system, young international high school graduates must provide :

  • Justification of the coherence of their study project ;
  • Proof of language proficiency (French, Dutch, or German, depending on the linguistic region). Standardized language tests such as DALF, DELE, TCF, or TestDaF may be required.

Submission of application files is conditioned by the presentation of certification in French, Dutch, or German. It is therefore imperative to prove proficiency in a language to apply in Belgium.

Official language proficiency tests available :

French :

  • Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF)
  • Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française (DELF)
  • Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (DALF)

Dutch :

  • Test of Dutch as a Foreign Language (NT2)
  • Inburgeringsexamen (Integration Exam) for students from non-French-speaking or non-Dutch-speaking countries.

German :

  • TestDaF (Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache)
  • Goethe-Zertifikat (Goethe Certificat )

Tuition fees in Belgian public institutions remain affordable. Here are the costs to consider :

  • Universities: €835 
  • Colleges and Higher Schools of Art for:
    • Short-cycle Bachelors: €175.01 per year, but €227.24 for the third year.
    • Long-cycle courses:  €350.03, but €454.47 for the last year of a cycle.
    • Preparation for AESS or CAPAES (teaching diplomas) : € 70,57

Additional fees may include: registration fees (between €350 and €1200 approximately) or additional administrative fees (DAC) depending on the goods and services provided to students.

As for private schools, it is advisable to budget an average of €8000 for one year of studies.


The study visa for Belgium is specifically intended for students who wish to pursue their studies at a Belgian higher education institution. It allows the student to legally reside in Belgium for the duration of their studies.

To be eligible for the student visa application, several criteria must be met. First, you must be enrolled or re-enrolled in a higher education institution or in an institution of higher vocational training. Additionally, you must prove your ability to finance your study project, which may include personal funds, scholarships, student loans, or any other means of financing. These conditions are crucial for obtaining the student visa and continuing your studies in Belgium.

The validity of the study visa for Belgium varies depending on the duration of the study program in which the student is enrolled. Generally, the Belgian study visa is issued for a period corresponding to the normal duration of the study program, plus an additional period to allow the student to settle administrative formalities and leave the country after completing their studies.

Here is a list of activities requiring the obtainment of a student visa in Belgium :

  • Full-time studies at an accredited educational institution in Belgium, as part of a diploma or certification program.
  • Conducting research activities as part of a doctoral program.
  • Participating in training activities.
  • Participating in a mobility program to attend school in secondary education (first and/or second cycles) at an officially accredited educational or scientific institution.
  • Completing an unpaid internship at an institution or organization in the public or private sector that does not meet the conditions of the internship visa.


Belgium is a highly sought-after destination for studies, offering a high standard of living and internationally recognized quality education. Each year, it welcomes thousands of international students. For these students, there are several types of accommodation, each offering unique benefits suited to different needs and preferences.

A « kot » is essentially a student room, often located in a shared house with other students, sometimes with common areas like the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Approximate price: €180 (shared double room) to €320 (duplex studio)

Many Belgian universities offer university residences where students can rent an individual room or share an apartment with other students. Approximate price: €200 to €600 per month depending on the city

Some students prefer to rent an individual apartment or studio for more privacy. However, this option can be more expensive than shared accommodation. Approximate price: €400 to €800 per month depending on the city and neighborhood

Some student hostels and social housing options are also available for low-income students or those facing financial difficulties. Approximate price: €200 to €500 per month, depending on the location and amenities offered.


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What are the admission requirements for Moroccan students in Belgium ?

To study in Belgium, Moroccan students must meet several admission requirements. Firstly, they need to have a Moroccan baccalaureate diploma recognized by Belgian authorities. Universities may also require proof of language proficiency, often demonstrated through tests like TCF, DELF, DALF for French, NT2 for Dutch, or TestDaF for German. Additionally, students must submit a complete application, including transcripts, letters of recommendation, and, in some cases, an interview or entrance exam.

What are the tuition fees for Moroccan students in Belgium ?

Tuition fees to study in Belgium vary depending on the university and chosen program. Generally, for non-European students, tuition fees range from 835 to 4,175 euros per year. Some universities and programs may have higher fees, especially for courses in medicine, engineering, and certain business schools. It’s important to check specific fees with the chosen university for accurate information.

What is the process for obtaining a student visa for Belgium ?

To study in Belgium, Moroccan students need to obtain a student visa. The process begins with acceptance into a Belgian university. Then, students must prove they have sufficient financial means to cover their tuition and living expenses, subscribe to health insurance, and obtain a medical certificate attesting to the absence of contagious diseases. The visa application must be submitted to the Belgian consulate or embassy with the required documents. Once the visa is obtained, students can enter Belgium to pursue their studies.

What are the main types of accommodation for students in Belgium ?

In Belgium, students have several housing options. University residences offer individual or shared rooms at affordable rates, often located near campuses. Shared housing is also popular, allowing students to share an apartment and reduce costs. Students can also rent individual studios or apartments, though this option is generally more expensive. Finally, some choose to live in student dormitories or social housing, which offer reduced rates for low-income students.

What is the cost of living for a Moroccan student in Belgium ?

The cost of living for a Moroccan student in Belgium varies depending on the city and lifestyle. On average, students should budget between 800 and 1,200 euros per month. This budget covers housing (between 300 and 600 euros), food (200 to 300 euros), transportation (50 to 100 euros), and other expenses like leisure activities, insurance, and school supplies. Larger cities like Brussels and Antwerp tend to be more expensive than smaller cities like Liège or Leuven.

Do Belgian universities offer programs in English ?

Yes, many Belgian universities offer programs in English, especially at the master’s and doctoral levels. These programs are particularly attractive for international students who want to study in Belgium without being fluent in French, Dutch, or German. English-language programs cover various fields, including engineering, economics, political science, and information technology.

What are the top universities in Belgium ?

The top universities in Belgium include the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), the University of Liège (ULiège), and Ghent University (UGent). These universities are recognized for their academic excellence and offer a variety of programs in different fields. Other notable institutions include the University of Namur, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven).

How can students find accommodation in belgium ?

Students can find accommodation in Belgium through several channels. University websites often provide information on university residences and housing options. There are also specialized online platforms, such as Kotplanet,, and Appartager, where students can search for shared housing and apartments. Dedicated Facebook groups for student housing in Belgium are also a useful resource. Finally, local real estate agencies can help find private accommodations.

What are the arrival formalities in belgium for moroccan students ?

Upon arrival in Belgium, Moroccan students must accomplish several formalities. Firstly, they must register with the municipality of their residence within eight days of arrival. They must also open a Belgian bank account to facilitate managing their finances. Another important step is to subscribe to Belgian health insurance or ensure that their international insurance covers their stay in Belgium. Additionally, it’s recommended to familiarize themselves with the university’s student support services, such as orientation and guidance services.

What transportation systems are available for students in belgium ?

Belgium has an excellent public transportation network, including trains, buses, trams, and metros. Students can benefit from discounts on transport subscriptions, making travel more affordable. Trains, managed by SNCB, connect the country’s major cities. Local transport companies, like STIB in Brussels, TEC in Wallonia, and De Lijn in Flanders, offer bus, tram, and metro services. Additionally, many cities offer bike-sharing systems, which are a convenient and eco-friendly option for short trips.

What language tests are required to study in belgium ?

To study in Belgium, proficiency in the language of instruction is essential. Students often have to take language tests to prove their competence. For programs in French, commonly accepted tests include TCF (Test de Connaissance du Français), DELF (Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française), and DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française). For programs in Dutch, NT2 (Nederlands als Tweede Taal) is generally required. For programs in German, TestDaF (Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache) is often requested.

Can moroccan students obtain scholarships to study in belgium ?

Yes, Moroccan students can obtain scholarships to study in Belgium. Several scholarships are available, offered by the Belgian government, universities, and various international organizations. Popular scholarships include ARES scholarships, scholarships from the European Commission, and those offered by institutions like Université Catholique de Louvain and Université Libre de Bruxelles. Eligibility criteria vary, so it’s important to check the specific conditions for each scholarship.

Are moroccan diplomas recognized in belgium ?

Yes, Moroccan diplomas are generally recognized in Belgium, but students often have to go through a diploma equivalence process. This process is managed by Belgian educational authorities and varies depending on the level of study and academic field. Students must submit their transcripts, diplomas, and other academic documents for evaluation. Equivalence can take several weeks, so it’s advisable to start this process well in advance.

Can students work during their studies in belgium ?

Yes, foreign students can work during their studies in Belgium, but there are restrictions. They can work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year and full-time during school holidays. To work, students must obtain a type C work permit, which is usually automatically issued with the study visa. Working beyond the authorized hours or without a permit can result in sanctions.

What are the best study programs for Moroccan students in Belgium ?

Belgium offers a wide range of high-quality study programs. Popular fields among Moroccan students include economics and management sciences, engineering, social sciences, medicine, and arts. Belgian universities are particularly renowned for programs in political sciences, international relations, law, and biotechnology. Each university offers specific programs, so it’s recommended to research available options based on the student’s academic interests.

What are the application deadlines for universities in Belgium ?

Application deadlines vary depending on universities and programs. Generally, applications for undergraduate (bachelor) programs should be submitted between November and April for entry in September of the following year. Deadlines for master’s programs may be more flexible, but it’s advisable to submit applications at least six months before the start of classes. It’s crucial to check specific dates on university websites.

Is it possible to do internships during studies in Belgium ?

Yes, it’s possible and often encouraged to do internships during studies in Belgium. Internships offer a valuable opportunity to gain professional experience and apply academic knowledge in a real-world context. Many universities and colleges include internships in their study programs. Students can find internships through university career services, specialized websites, or by directly contacting companies.

Can Moroccan students benefit from health insurance in Belgium ?

Yes, Moroccan students can benefit from health insurance in Belgium. They must register with a Belgian mutual insurance company that will provide them with medical coverage. This registration is often a requirement for obtaining a study visa. Students can choose from several mutual insurance companies, such as Mutualité Chrétienne or Mutualité Socialiste. Registering with a mutual insurance company ensures access to healthcare at reduced rates and covers part of medical expenses, including consultations, medications, and hospitalizations.

How is the social and cultural integration for Moroccan students in Belgium ?

Social and cultural integration for Moroccan students in Belgium is facilitated by numerous services and activities. Universities often organize welcome days, integration workshops, and language courses to help new students adapt. Student associations offer various social, cultural, and sports activities to encourage exchanges and conviviality. Additionally, there are specific associations for international and Moroccan students, such as the Association of Moroccan Students in Belgium, which provide additional support and organize cultural events to promote integration and networking.

What are the benefits of choosing Belgium for higher education ?

Choosing to study in Belgium offers many advantages. The country provides internationally recognized high-quality education, with universities ranked among the best in the world. Tuition fees are relatively affordable compared to other European countries. Moreover, Belgium is at the heart of Europe, allowing students to travel easily and explore different European cultures. The linguistic diversity (French, Dutch, German, and English) also enriches the educational experience. Finally, the country boasts a rich cultural and historical heritage, offering numerous opportunities for extracurricular activities.

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