Canada stands out as one of the best study destinations in North America, offering a unique combination of academic tradition and dynamic student life. This guide presents everything you need to know to study in Canada. Discover the necessary administrative procedures, the best universities in the country, available programmes and scholarships, as well as practical advice for settling in and integrating. With its rich cultural heritage, diversity, and high quality of life, Canada is an ideal destination to enrich your academic and personal journey.


Interested in studying in Canada? Make your dream come true in a bilingual, welcoming, and multicultural country. Immerse yourself in a safe environment where diversity and academic excellence thrive. Turn your future into an extraordinary adventure in Canada!

Canada has a diverse and high-quality education system, spanning primary, secondary, and post-secondary levels.

Post-Secondary Education

  • Colleges and Institutes:

Diploma of College Studies (DEC) in Quebec: Two-year programs (pre-university) or three-year programs (technical).
Certificates and Diplomas: Offered in various fields, typically lasting 1 to 2 years, focused on practical skills.

  • Universities:

Bachelor’s Degree: Undergraduate programme lasting 3 to 4 years.
Master’s Degree: Graduate programme lasting 1 to 2 years.
Doctorate: Postgraduate programme lasting 3 to 5 years.

The education system in Quebec presents differences compared to other Canadian provinces. Here is a summary of the main distinctions:

  • Cégeps:

After secondary school, Quebec students attend Cégep (General and Vocational College).

  • Diploma of College Studies (DEC):

Pre-University Programs: 2 years, prepare for university.
Technical Programs: 3 years, enable direct entry into the workforce.

  • University:

Bachelor’s Degree: Generally 3 years after completing a pre-university DEC.
Master’s Degree: 1 to 2 years.
Doctorate: 3 to 5 years.

For admission to post-secondary institutions, specific requirements may vary, but they generally follow the same basic process:

  • High school diploma or equivalent.
  • Submission of an admission application with transcripts and evidence of language proficiency.
  • Study permit for international students, with specific requirements for Quebec (such as the Quebec Acceptance Certificate – CAQ).

Annual tuition fees at public universities in Canada vary by province, program of study, and level of study. On average, in Canada, university tuition fees are around:

  • $36,100 per year for international undergraduate students
  • $21,100 per year for international graduate students

On average, the cost of living is approximately $15,000 per year for university students.



To study in Canada as an international student, you will need to obtain a study permit, commonly referred to as a « Canadian student visa. » This permit is essential for any course lasting more than 6 months. It is an official authorization issued by the Canadian government, allowing foreign students to enroll and pursue their studies at educational institutions in the country.

The activities that qualify for obtaining a study permit in Canada can be summarized as follows:

  • Enrolling in an approved study program at a Canadian institution.
  • Demonstrating adequate financial resources to cover tuition and living expenses.
  • Submitting a study permit application to Canadian immigration authorities once the above conditions are met.

To obtain a student visa, you must:

  • Have a clear and coherent study plan.
  • Be admitted to a designated learning institution in Canada.
  • Demonstrate that you have the financial means to cover your tuition and living expenses.
  • If you plan to study in Quebec, obtain a Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ).
  • Provide proof of your intention to leave Canada once your studies are completed.

These conditions are essential for a successful study permit application and for studying legally in Canada.


Canada consistently ranks among the top study destinations for its high standard of living, placing it at the forefront globally, and for the quality of internationally recognized education. It welcomes thousands of international students every year. There are several types of accommodation for international students in Canada, each offering unique advantages tailored to different needs and preferences.

  • Description: Accommodation located on the university campus, often furnished, with included services such as meals, housekeeping, and sometimes access to recreational facilities.
  • Advantages: Proximity to classes and university facilities, community atmosphere, security.
  • Estimated costs: CAD 3,000 to CAD 7,500 per academic year, depending on the university and type of room (single or double).
  • Description: Sharing an apartment with other students. Each roommate typically has their own bedroom but shares common areas (kitchen, bathroom, living room).
  • Advantages: Cost reduction, opportunity to meet new people, sharing domestic responsibilities.
  • Estimated costs: CAD 400 to CAD 800 per month per person, depending on the city and number of roommates.
  • Description: Independent accommodations offering more privacy, often consisting of a main room with a kitchen and private bathroom.
  • Advantages: Privacy and independence, complete control of living space.
  • Estimated costs: CAD 700 to CAD 1,500 per month, depending on the city and size of the accommodation.
  • Description: Living with a Canadian family, which typically includes a private room and meals provided by the host family.
  • Advantages: Cultural and linguistic immersion, family support, included meals.
  • Estimated costs: CAD 600 to CAD 1,000 per month, usually including meals.
  • Description: Independently rented apartments or houses located near the university. Students can rent alone or with roommates.
  • Advantages: More choice and freedom in the type of accommodation, often more space, the possibility to choose the location.
  • Estimated costs: CAD 700 to CAD 1,200 per month, depending on the city and proximity to the university.


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What are the advantages of studying in Canada for Moroccan students?

Canada offers high-quality education, advanced research opportunities, a welcoming multicultural society, and globally recognized degrees.

Is it necessary to take a language test to study in Canada?

English-speaking universities generally accept TOEFL and IELTS results as proof of English proficiency. For French-speaking universities, such as those in Quebec, the TFI or a language proficiency certificate may be required.

When should I submit my application to Canadian universities?

Deadlines vary from one university to another, but generally, for the fall semester, applications should be submitted by February 1, and by November 1 for the winter semester.

What are the tuition fees for Moroccan students in Canada?

Tuition fees vary significantly depending on the university and the chosen program. For Moroccan students, annual fees can range from 134,411 MAD to 174,938 MAD for undergraduate programs. Fees for graduate programs are also proportional.

What types of scholarships are available for Moroccan students?

Various scholarships are available, including tuition fee exemption scholarships, Canadian and Quebec government scholarships, as well as scholarships offered by certain universities.

What types of housing are available for international students in Canada?

Housing options include university residences, shared accommodation, and host families. Costs vary, but living in residence can cost approximately 5,000 to 8,000 CAD per academic year, while shared accommodation may be more economical.

What are the conditions for working as a student in Canada?

International students can work up to 20 hours per week during academic sessions and full-time during breaks without needing a separate work permit, provided their study permit allows it.

What are the living costs in Canada for a student?

Living costs vary depending on the city. For example, in Montreal, you should budget around 10000 MAD per month to cover housing, food, transportation, and other expenses.

Are there specific programs for French-speaking students?

Yes, some provinces, notably Quebec, offer partial tuition fee exemption programs for French-speaking students.

What documents are required for a student visa application?

For a student visa application, you will need a letter of acceptance from your Canadian educational institution, a valid passport, financial proof demonstrating your ability to support yourself, and if studying in Quebec, a Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ).

Are there any specific requirements for Moroccan students wishing to study in Canada?

In addition to the usual admission requirements, Moroccan students must ensure they have a valid passport, a study permit, and health insurance covering the duration of their stay in Canada

Can I stay in Canada after my studies?

Yes, students can apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit, which allows them to work in Canada for a duration equivalent to their studies, up to a maximum of three years.

How to find accommodation in Canada?

You can search for accommodation through university housing services, real estate agencies, or online classifieds websites. Shared accommodation and university residences are popular options among international students.

Is there financial aid available for international students wishing to study in Canada?

Yes, several universities and the Canadian government offer scholarships and financial aid specifically for international students to help cover tuition and living expenses.

What is the process to have my Moroccan baccalaureate recognized in Canada?

To have your Moroccan baccalaureate recognized in Canada, you need to provide translated transcripts and diplomas, and sometimes have your qualifications evaluated by organizations like WES (World Education Services).

How can I obtain a study permit for Canada?

To obtain a study permit, you must have an acceptance letter from a Canadian institution, demonstrate that you have the financial means to support yourself, and potentially obtain a Quebec Acceptance Certificate if you are studying in that province.

How to obtain a Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ)?

To obtain a CAQ, you must submit an online application to the Ministry of Immigration, Francization, and Integration of Quebec, along with the required documents and payment of applicable fees.

What are the best universities to study in Canada?

Institutions such as the University of Montreal, Laval University, and the University of Toronto are highly regarded for their quality programs and support for international students

What are the main differences between Anglophone and Francophone universities in Canada?

Anglophone universities typically require proficiency in English, while Francophone universities, particularly in Quebec, emphasize French. Tuition fees may also vary depending on the language of instruction.

What are the advantages of studying in Canada compared to other countries?

Canada offers high-quality education, research opportunities, a safe and inclusive environment, as well as post-graduate work opportunities. Additionally, the cost of living is often more affordable than in other countries like the United States and the United Kingdom

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