England stands out as one of the best study destinations in Europe, offering a unique combination of academic tradition and dynamic student life. This guide presents everything you need to know to study in England. Discover the necessary administrative procedures, the best universities in the country, available programs and scholarships, as well as practical advice for settling in and integrating. With its rich cultural heritage, diversity, and high quality of life, England is an ideal destination to enrich your academic and personal journey


England enjoys a global reputation as a destination of excellence for higher education, offering a diverse range of programs and unmatched academic wealth. With its prestigious universities, innovative programs, and dynamic learning environment, England attracts students from all over the world seeking quality education and a rewarding experience.

England, like most European countries, adopts the LMD system (Licence, Master, Doctorate). Studies are organized around 2 cycles:

  • 1st Cycle: Undergraduate

Foundation Year: A preparatory year to integrate the desired « Bachelor » program, to reach the required language level and meet the program’s requirements;
Bachelor: A 3 or 4-year program to obtain a « Bachelor’s Degree » or a Bachelor’s Degree (Top-Up) if integrated with a bac+2 (DUT or BTS).

  • 2nd Cycle: Postgraduate

Pre-Master: If the student is not eligible for direct admission to the Master’s program, they must undergo a preparatory program to achieve equivalence and subsequently access the Master’s program;
Master: Prepared in 1 or 2 years, leading to a « Master’s Degree »;
Doctorate or (PhD): Prepared in 3 or 4 years after the « Master’s Degree ».

The required English language score varies from one institution to another! Generally, to have your registration validated, you must take a language test: IELTS UKV

British educational institutions generally offer two admission sessions:

  • Autumn Session: Begins in September;
  • Winter Session: Generally begins in January.

Note: Some universities offer an additional session in May!
It is always advisable to start your procedures 6 months prior to the desired session

For an undergraduate program, the annual tuition fees for an international student can range from £10,000 to £30,000 or more, depending on the field of study and the university’s reputation.

For postgraduate programs, the annual tuition fees for international students can generally vary from £12,000 to £35,000 or more, depending on the program and institution.


To pursue your studies at a university in England, it is essential to obtain a Student Visa or Short-term Visa. Without these documents, you will not be able to enroll or attend classes in England. Make sure to start the administrative procedures well in advance to avoid any delays

In England, there are primarily two types of visas for international students:

  • Student Visa: This visa is for students who wish to study full-time in England for more than 6 months. It replaces the old Tier 4 visas. With this visa, you can study at an accredited educational institution, work during your studies (within certain limits), and stay in England for a short period after your studies to look for work.
  • Short-Term Study Visa: This visa is for students who wish to study in England for less than 6 months. It is suitable for language courses, short-term study programs, or academic and research internships. This visa does not allow you to work in the UK and cannot be extended.

You can apply for your student visa in England up to 3 months before the start of your studies provided that:

  • You are over 16 years old;
  • You have proven parental consent if you are 16 or 17 years old;
  • You have an admission from a British higher education institution;
  • You have a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) provided by the institution where you have been admitted;
  • You can prove your written, spoken, and comprehension skills in English;
  • You have and can justify sufficient funds to finance your study project in England.

Note: The process of applying for a student visa in England is complex! To have enough time to correctly complete your visa application, it is advisable to start this process very early (three months before the start date of your course)!

The validity of the student visa in England depends on the type of visa you have obtained and the duration of your studies. Here are some points to consider:

  • Student Visa: This visa can be valid for the duration of your study program, plus an additional period after your studies, usually up to four months. For example, if you are enrolled in a three-year program, your visa can be valid for that period, plus four additional months after graduation.
  • Short-Term Study Visa: This visa is generally valid for the duration specified in your offer letter from the educational institution, up to a maximum of six months.


In England, students can choose from several types of accommodations. University residences offer a social and convenient environment. Shared apartments allow for more independence and often reduced costs. Finally, some opt for homestays with local families for cultural immersion

Halls of Residence: These are accommodations managed by the university or college, often located on or near the campus. Halls of Residence typically offer individual or shared rooms, as well as common areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and living spaces. This is a popular option for first-year students. Indicative price: £80 to £200 per week for an individual room, and £50 to £150 per week for a shared room

Homestay Accommodation: Some students choose to live with a local host family. This provides cultural and linguistic immersion, as well as additional support for adapting to life in England. Indicative price: £100 to £250 per week, often including meals

House Sharing: Students can choose to share accommodation with other students, usually friends or classmates. This can be an economical and social option but requires good cooperation and organization of household chores. Indicative price: £80 to £200 per week

Private Accommodation: These are apartments or houses rented by private landlords. Students can rent an individual room or share accommodation with other students. This option often offers more flexibility in terms of location and amenities but can be more expensive than university residences. Indicative price: £80 to £200 per week

Purpose-Built Student Accommodation: These are residential complexes specifically designed for students, often offering modern facilities such as gyms, common areas, and security services. This option can be more expensive but often provides a high level of comfort and convenience. Indicative price: £150 to £400 per week


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What are the admission criteria for British universities?

Admission criteria vary depending on the university and the study program. Generally, students need to have a good academic level. For Moroccan high school graduates, this often means achieving a grade of « Good » or « Honors » in the baccalaureate exam. Additionally, having a good level of English is crucial. Most universities require a minimum score of 6.5 to 7 on the IELTS. Other tests such as the TOEFL or Cambridge exams (CAE or CPE) are also accepted. It is recommended to check the specific requirements of each program on the university’s website

Which language tests are accepted for studying in England?

Language tests accepted by British universities mainly include the IELTS (International English Language Testing System), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), and Cambridge English exams (CAE or CPE). The minimum required score on the IELTS is usually 6.5 to 7, but this can vary depending on the university and program. Some specific programs may have higher language requirements, so it is important to consult the specific information of each institution

What are the tuition fees for Moroccan students?

Tuition fees for Moroccan students in England vary depending on the university and the study program. For undergraduate studies, annual fees generally range from £10,000 to £30,000. For postgraduate programs, fees can range from £5,000 to £36,000 per year, and even up to £60,000 for certain programs such as MBAs. These fees can vary, and it is advisable to consult the universities’ websites for accurate and up-to-date information

What scholarships are available for Moroccan students?

Several scholarships are available for Moroccan students wishing to study in England. Among the most prestigious are the Chevening Scholarships, offered by the British government for master’s programs. The Entente Cordiale scholarships, funded by the British Council, are intended for students in fields such as law and the environment. Additionally, some British universities offer their own scholarships for international students. It is recommended to consult the universities’ and scholarship organizations’ websites for detailed information on eligibility criteria and application procedures

How can I find student accommodation in England?

Student accommodation options in England include university residences, private accommodations, and shared flats. University residences are often located on or near the campus and offer individual rooms with shared facilities like kitchen and bathroom. The average cost of student accommodation is around £535 per month, but this can vary depending on the city. To find accommodation, it is recommended to contact university housing services or check student accommodation platforms

What administrative steps are necessary for Moroccan students to study in England?

Moroccan students typically need to obtain a student visa, provide evidence of English proficiency, secure admission to a British university, and demonstrate they have the financial resources to support themselves during their studies in the UK

What transportation options are available for students in England?

Transportation options include buses, trains, metros (especially in London), and bicycles. Students can benefit from discounts on public transport subscriptions with specific cards like the Student Oyster Card in London. The transportation network is generally well-developed, facilitating travel

What are the best universities in Britain?

England is home to some of the most prestigious universities in the world, such as the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, and the London School of Economics. Other reputable universities include the University of Manchester, the University of Bristol, and the University of Edinburgh. These institutions are recognized for their high-quality study programs and innovative research

How can I assess my English proficiency before applying?

To assess your English proficiency, you can take standardized tests such as the IELTS, TOEFL, or Cambridge exams (CAE or CPE). These tests evaluate your skills in listening, reading, writing, and speaking. There are also preparation courses and online practice tests available to help you prepare

What are the living costs in England for students?

The cost of living in England varies depending on the city. On average, students should budget around £1,000 to £1,500 per month to cover expenses such as accommodation, food, transportation, and leisure activities. In London, costs may be higher due to more expensive rents and a higher overall cost of living

How can I apply to a British university?

To apply to a British university, you need to go through the UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) system for undergraduate programs. You will need to fill out an online form, provide transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. For postgraduate programs, applications are made directly to the universities through their respective websites

How does the grading and assessment system work in England?

The grading system in England may vary among universities, but generally, grades are awarded in the form of percentages or classes (First Class, Upper Second Class, Lower Second Class, Third Class). Assessments often include exams, research papers, projects, and presentations. Evaluation criteria are clearly defined and transparent

Can I work during my studies in England?

Yes, international students can work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during holidays. This allows students to earn some money and gain work experience while pursuing their studies

What are the benefits of studying in England?

Studying in the UK offers a world-class education with prestigious universities. Students benefit from high-quality teaching, extensive research opportunities, and enriching cultural diversity. Additionally, British degrees are widely recognized and respected internationally, which can enhance career prospects

What types of degrees can I obtain in England?

You can obtain various types of degrees: Bachelor’s Degree (BA, BSc, BEng, LLB) after three to four years of study, Master’s Degree (MA, MSc, MBA, LLM) after one or two years, and Doctorate (PhD, DPhil) after an additional two to three years of post-master’s research

What are the main advantages of studying in England for Moroccan students?

Studying in England offers Moroccan students access to world-renowned universities, immersion in the English language, opportunities for international networking, and prospects for an international career

What housing options are available for students?

Housing options include university residences, private apartments, and shared flats. University residences are often the most convenient and secure option for new students. Private apartments and shared flats offer more independence but may require more thorough research and complex management

What is the duration of studies in England?

The duration of studies in England depends on the study cycle. Undergraduate studies typically last three to four years and lead to the attainment of a Bachelor’s Degree (BA, BEng, BSc, LLB). Postgraduate studies, such as master’s degrees, generally last one to two years. Finally, doctoral studies (PhD) can last between two to three years after obtaining a master’s degree

What are the most popular fields of study in England?

Popular fields of study include economics and management sciences, engineering, computer science, social sciences, arts, and humanities. British universities are also renowned for their programs in medicine and law

How are British degrees perceived in the Moroccan job market?

British degrees are well-regarded and respected in the Moroccan job market due to the quality reputation of British universities. Moroccan employers value the skills and knowledge acquired in England, as well as the international experience of graduates. This can offer a competitive advantage when seeking employment in Morocco

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