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France ranks among the best study destinations in Europe, offering a unique combination of academic tradition and dynamic student life. This guide presents everything you need to know to study in France. Discover the necessary administrative procedures, the best universities in the country, available programs and scholarships, as well as practical advice for settling in and integrating. With its rich cultural heritage, diversity, and high quality of life, France is an ideal destination to enrich your academic and personal journey.


In France, international students have a variety of options for higher education, tailored to all profiles, whether they are high school graduates, students in higher education, or researchers. In addition to academic excellence, France offers dynamic student life and incomparable cultural richness. Discover the advantages of studying in France.

Like the majority of European countries, France adopts the LMD system (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctorate) to harmonize degrees on a European scale and facilitate student mobility.

  • Bachelor’s: obtained in 3 years (6 semesters), equivalent to 180 ECTS credits 
  • Master’s: obtained in 2 years (4 semesters), equivalent to 120 ECTS credits 
  • Doctorate: generally obtained in 3 years (6 semesters).

To be admitted to the French educational system, young international high school graduates must provide.

To be admitted to the French educational system, young international high school graduates must provide :

  • Justification of the coherence of their study project ;
  • Demonstration of their mastery of the French language, validated by a TCF/DELF/DALF language test.

The submission of application files is conditioned by the presentation of a certification in French. It is therefore imperative to prove one’s level of French to apply in France. Four official tests of linguistic proficiency in French are available:

  • French Knowledge Test (TCF) or French Evaluation Test (TEF): These official tests from the French Ministry of National Education are required for university enrollment and often requested in grandes écoles. The results of TCF and TEF are valid for two years.
  • Diploma in French Studies (DELF) and Advanced Diploma in French (DALF) are official certifications awarded by the French Ministry of National Education. Unlike tests, the results of DELF and DALF are valid indefinitely.

Tuition fees in French public institutions remain affordable. Here are the costs to expect:

  • €2770 for bachelor’s, professional bachelor’s, and DUT.
  • €3770 for Master’s.
  • €380 for Doctorate (PhD).

As for private schools, it is advisable to budget an average of €8000 for one year of studies.


If you’re considering pursuing higher education in France as an international student, you’ll need to apply for a long-stay visa, which will later be converted into a student residence permit (VLS-TS). This visa, valid for 4 months to 1 year, is mandatory for any program lasting more than 3 months.

To be eligible for a student visa application, several criteria must be met. Firstly, you must be enrolled or re-enrolled in a higher education institution or in an institution of higher vocational training. Additionally, it’s essential to present a clear and coherent study plan, demonstrating your commitment and academic objectives. Finally, you must prove your ability to finance your study project, which may include personal funds, scholarships, student loans, or any other means of financing. These conditions are crucial for obtaining the student visa and continuing your studies in France.

For a study stay in France lasting up to 6 months, the visa will be valid for the entire duration of the stay, and obtaining a foreign identity card will not be necessary.

However, if the study stay exceeds 6 months, the visa will initially be valid for a period of 90 days. Upon arrival in France, it will be necessary to apply for a residence permit from the competent authorities, within one month from the date of entry into French territory. This application can be made at the Office of Foreigners or at the competent police station in the region where the residence permit application was processed.

Here is a list of activities requiring a student visa in France:

  • Full-time studies at an accredited educational institution in France, as part of a diploma or certification program.
  • Conducting research activities as part of a doctoral program.
  • Participating in training activities.
  • Participating in a mobility program to attend secondary school (first and/or second cycles) in an officially accredited educational or scientific institution.
  • Undertaking an unpaid internship in a public or private sector institution or organization that does not meet the conditions of the internship visa (see the « Internship Visa » section).
  • Participating in voluntary service as part of a program pursuing general interest objectives.
  • Undertaking a stay as an au pair.
  • Undertaking a stay as a language assistant


France is a highly sought-after destination for studies, offering a high standard of living and internationally recognized quality education. Each year, it welcomes thousands of international students. For these students, there are several types of accommodation, each offering unique benefits tailored to different needs and preferences.

University residences managed by CROUS are highly regarded by students due to their numerous advantages:

  • Immediate proximity to universities ;
  • Generally affordable rent ;
  • Possibility of benefiting from housing assistance.

Their main drawback lies in their limited capacity, facing high demand.

Private accommodations owned by individuals, associations, or private organizations also offer several advantages to students :

  • Possibility of finding accommodations in various neighborhoods, often close to universities ;
  • Flexibility in terms of types of accommodations (individual rooms, shared apartments, etc.) ;
  • Potentially a more personalized and friendly atmosphere.

However, these accommodations can sometimes be more expensive than university residences managed by CROUS, and housing assistance may not always be available. Additionally, the quality and rental conditions can vary significantly from one landlord to another.


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Registration with Public Universities and Private Schools
Assistance obtaining Visa
Assistance in accomodation

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What are the procedures for studying in France?

To study in France, Moroccan students must follow the Campus France procedure. This involves creating an account on the « Études en France » platform, submitting an online academic file including transcripts, diplomas, and a letter of motivation. Then, students participate in an interview with a Campus France advisor to discuss their study project and assess their proficiency in French. After obtaining a pre-registration in a French university, they must apply for a student visa by providing the acceptance letter received.

What are the fees for studying in France for Moroccan students ?

Tuition fees in France vary depending on the type of institution. In public universities, fees are relatively low: around 170 euros per year for a bachelor’s degree, 243 euros for a master’s degree, and 380 euros for a doctorate. However, in grandes écoles and private universities, fees can be much higher, ranging from 3,000 to 10,000 euros per year or more. These costs may be partially or fully covered by scholarships.

Are there scholarships available for Moroccan students ?

Yes, several scholarships are available for Moroccan students wishing to study in France. Among these, the Eiffel Scholarships are intended for excellent students for master’s and doctoral studies. The Welcome to France Scholarships support international student mobility. Additionally, the SMARTS-UP Scholarships are dedicated to master’s students in certain universities. Students must follow the specific instructions of each program. 

How to find student accommodation in France ?

Housing options for students include university residences managed by CROUS, which offer moderate rents, private apartments that are often more expensive but offer more independence, and shared accommodations that allow sharing costs. It is recommended to start searching early.

What documents are required for the Campus France interview?

For the Campus France interview, students must prepare several documents, including high school and university transcripts (if applicable), the baccalaureate diploma, a motivation letter explaining their study project and reasons for choosing France, as well as a detailed financing plan outlining how their studies will be funded (savings, scholarships, family support).

What are the language requirements to get accepted in french universities?

Admission requirements vary depending on the level of study and the chosen program. For a bachelor’s degree, a high school diploma and a good command of French (level B2) are generally required. For a master’s degree, a relevant bachelor’s degree and sometimes additional requirements like letters of recommendation or a CV are needed. For a doctorate, a master’s degree, a research proposal, and often letters of recommendation are necessary.

Can one work while studying in France ?

Yes, foreign students in France can work up to 964 hours per year, which is approximately 20 hours per week. This work can be done on or off-campus and often helps cover part of the living expenses. However, students must ensure not to compromise their studies with a part-time job​​.

What are the French language levels required for studying in France ?

Most university programs require a B2 level in French, confirmed by recognized language tests such as DELF, DALF, or TCF. Some programs, particularly in grandes écoles, may require a C1 level. A good command of the language is essential for attending classes and integrating into daily life in France​​​.

How to prepare for the Campus France interview ?

To prepare for the Campus France interview, it is crucial to have a good understanding of one’s study project and be able to explain it clearly. Students must demonstrate their motivation and interest in France, have a realistic and detailed financing plan, and be prepared to answer questions about their proficiency in the French language and how they plan to adapt to life in France​.

What are the steps to obtain a scholarship in France ?

The steps to obtain a scholarship in France include researching available scholarships, preparing application files (transcripts, letters of recommendation, motivation letter), submitting applications before deadlines, and waiting for the results. If accepted, it is important to follow the instructions to formalize acceptance of the scholarship​. 

What is the quality of life in France for international students?

The quality of life in France is generally high with many cultural, social, and sports activities. However, the cost of living can vary significantly depending on the cities. Paris is more expensive than cities like Toulouse or Montpellier but also offers more cultural and professional opportunities. Students often benefit from discounts on cultural activities and transportation, which can help manage the cost of living.

What are the best cities to study in France?

The best cities to study in France include Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, Montpellier, and Bordeaux. Paris is known for its academic prestige and numerous renowned institutions. Lyon offers a high quality of life and many grandes écoles. Toulouse is famous for its engineering schools and aerospace industry. Montpellier is renowned for its student dynamism and pleasant climate, while Bordeaux is recognized for its universities and quality of life​.

How does the healthcare system work for international students?

International students must register with the French social security system, which is free and mandatory. They can also subscribe to complementary health insurance to cover medical expenses not reimbursed by social security. University health services also offer free or low-cost consultations, and students can access quality medical care at reduced prices​.

What are the deadlines for applying to universities in France ?

Applications for French universities are generally made between November and January for enrollment in September of the following year. However, the dates may vary depending on the programs and institutions. It is crucial to check the specific deadlines on the university websites and start preparations well in advance to avoid last-minute rush​​.

What is a CTI diploma ?

A CTI diploma is an engineering degree awarded by an engineering school in France, accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur (CTI). The CTI is an independent body responsible for the evaluation and accreditation of engineering programs. It ensures the quality and relevance of the training programs, ensuring that graduates possess the required skills to practice as engineers.

What are the living costs for a student's daily life in France ?

Living costs for a student in France include housing (400-800 euros per month depending on the city and type of accommodation), food (approximately 200-300 euros per month), transportation (30-70 euros per month), and other expenses such as leisure activities, health insurance, and school supplies. The total cost will largely depend on the city of residence and the student’s lifestyle.

How to validate Moroccan diplomas in France ?

Recognition of Moroccan diplomas is done through Campus France and French universities. Academic records are evaluated to determine academic equivalencies and prerequisites for accessing different levels of study. Students often need to provide official translations of their academic documents and may have to take additional tests or interviews depending on the requirements of the chosen institution.

What are the transportation options for students in France ?

Students in France benefit from numerous transportation options with specific discounts. Public transportation systems in major cities like Paris, Lyon, and Marseille are well-developed and include buses, trams, and metros. Students can obtain discounted transport cards, such as the Carte Imagine R in Paris, which offer reduced-price monthly or annual subscriptions. Additionally, student subscriptions are available for regional trains, facilitating travel between cities. Bike-sharing systems, like Vélib’ in Paris, are also an economical and ecological option for getting around​.

What are the career opportunities after studying in France ?

After their studies, graduates can seek professional opportunities in France or internationally. Students may benefit from a job search visa (APS – Autorisation Provisoire de Séjour), which allows them to stay in France for one year after obtaining their degree to look for employment. Additionally, certain degrees facilitate access to specific work contracts, particularly in the fields of engineering, sciences, and management. Internships completed during studies can also lead to job offers. To maximize their chances, students are encouraged to use the career orientation services of universities and participate in recruitment forums and fairs​​.

Is it possible to study in France for free ?

It is possible to study for free in France by obtaining full scholarships that cover tuition fees and sometimes living expenses. The Eiffel scholarships and those from regional governments can significantly reduce costs. Some exchange programs between Morocco and France may also offer reduced or free tuition​.

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