Germany stands out as one of the best study destinations in Europe, offering a unique combination of academic tradition and vibrant student life. This guide provides you with everything you need to know to study in Germany. Discover the necessary administrative procedures, the best universities in the country, available programs and scholarships, as well as practical advice for settling in and integrating. With its rich cultural heritage, diversity, and high quality of life, Germany is an ideal destination to enrich your academic and personal journey.



Do you want to study in Germany? Make your dream come true in a country rich in history, welcoming, and innovative. Immerse yourself in a safe environment where diversity and academic excellence are the norm. Make your future an exceptional adventure in Germany !

The German university education system offers a variety of high-quality programs. Whether you aspire to deep theoretical training or a more practical and professional approach, Germany offers options tailored to all profiles.

Types of Institutions

  1. Universities (Universitäten) :
    • Focused on research and offering a wide range of disciplines.
    • Confer degrees ranging from Bachelor’s (Undergraduate) to Doctorate (PhD).
  2. Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen) :
    • Geared towards practical and professional studies.
    • Offer Bachelor’s and Master’s programs, but generally not Doctorates.


    • Bachelor (Undergraduate): A 3 to 4-year undergraduate program.
    • Master’s: A 1 to 2-year graduate program
    • Doctorate (PhD) : A 3 to 5-year doctoral program.

Most programs are in German, requiring proof of language proficiency (TestDaF or DSH). However, an increasing number of programs are available in English.

To study at a higher education institution in Germany, formal requirements must be met. One must have authorization to access a higher education institution (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung) and be accepted by one or more universities in Germany.

For the Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, generally, it is sufficient to hold a secondary school leaving certificate that qualifies for higher education studies in the home country and to have a good command of the German language.

For studies in Germany, the Moroccan Baccalaureate is generally accepted.

Free or Nominal Fees: In the majority of the Länder (federal states), studies are free for German and international students. However, administrative fees of a few hundred euros per semester may apply.

Fees in Certain Regions: Some Länder impose tuition fees on non-European students or on Master’s students..


For Moroccan students aspiring to pursue their studies in Germany, this process is of particular importance. This introduction provides a practical guide on the student visa formalities for studying in Germany, detailing the essential steps, required documents, and points to consider throughout the process..

To obtain a student visa, you must :

Have a clear and coherent study plan.
– Be admitted to a designated educational institution in Germany. 
– Demonstrate that you have the financial means to cover your tuition and living expenses.
– Provide proof of accommodation.

These conditions are essential for the success of your study permit application and to be able to study in Germany legally.

The activities that enable obtaining a study visa in Germany can be summarized as follows:

– Enroll in an approved study program at a German institution.
– Demonstrate adequate financial resources to cover tuition and living expenses.
– Submit a study visa application to the German immigration authorities once the above conditions are met.


Germany consistently ranks among the top study destinations both for its quality of life, where it ranks first globally, and for the quality of internationally recognized studies. It welcomes thousands of international students every year. For this reason, there are several types of accommodation for international students in Germany, each offering unique advantages tailored to different needs and preferences.

Studentenwohnheime (student residences) are managed by German universities. They offer single rooms, furnished or unfurnished apartments, and are often affordable. Estimated costs: 200 to 600 euros, depending on the university and type of room (single or double)..

Sharing an apartment with other students. Each roommate typically has their own room but shares common areas (kitchen, bathroom, living room). Estimated costs: 300 to 800 euros per month per person, depending on the city and number of roommates..

Independent accommodations offering more privacy, often consisting of a main room with a kitchen and a private bathroom. Estimated costs: 500 to 1,000 euros per month, depending on the city and size of the accommodation..

Living with a Canadian family, which typically includes a private room and meals provided by the host family. Estimated costs: 300 to 600 euros per month, usually including meals..


Do you have plans to study in Germany and would like to discuss it with one of our orientation advisors? Please leave us your contact information by clicking on the following link ?

Assistance in defining the training project
Enrolment at universities
Assistance with obtaining a study Visa

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What are the tuition fees for studying in Germany?

Public universities in Germany generally do not charge tuition fees for undergraduate programs. However, there are administrative fees per semester, typically around 250€. For graduate studies, fees may apply, especially for non-consecutive programs.

What qualifications are required to apply to a German university?

You need a higher education entrance qualification, such as the Moroccan Baccalaureate. For graduate programs, a bachelor’s degree is required. Some programs may also require proof of language proficiency in German or English.

Do I need to master German to study in Germany?

While many undergraduate programs are taught in German, there are numerous programs in English, especially at the graduate level. Proficiency in the language of instruction is required​.

What is the cost of living for students in Germany?

The cost of living for students in Germany varies depending on the city but generally ranges between 700 and 1,000 euros per month, including accommodation, food, transportation, and other expenses​.

Can I work during my studies in Germany?

Yes, international students can work part-time for up to 120 full days or 240 half days per year. Students from the EU/EEA can work up to 20 hours per week during the semester. 

Do I need health insurance to study in Germany?

Moroccan students need a student visa to study in Germany. This involves submitting proof of admission, financial resources, health insurance, and other documents to the German embassy.

What is a Studienkolleg ?

A Studienkolleg is a preparatory course for students whose qualifications are not recognized in Germany. It includes specific and language courses to prepare students for university entrance exams.

Can I bring my family with me while studying in Germany?

Yes, students with a residence permit can bring their spouse and children. They must prove that they have sufficient financial resources to support their family without social assistance..

How to find accommodation in Germany?

Students can find accommodation in university residences, shared apartments, or private apartments. University residences are often the most affordable option.

What types of degrees can I obtain in Germany?

German universities offer internationally recognized Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees according to the Bologna reform. Specialized degrees, such as MBAs, are also available..

Can I stay in Germany after completing my degree?

Graduates can stay in Germany for 18 months to search for a job. If they find employment in their field, they can apply for an EU Blue Card to remain in the country.

Should I open a bank account in Germany?

Although not required, it is advisable to open a German bank account to make it easier to manage rent and other payments. Non-EU/EEA students may need a blocked account to prove their financial resources.

What are the best universities for my field of study?

Germany has many high-ranking universities. The Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) provides detailed rankings by field to help students choose the best institutions .

Can I transfer my driving license to Germany?

Yes, several universities and the Canadian government offer scholarships and financial aid specifically for international students to help cover tuition and living costs..

What are the living conditions like in student housing

Student housing typically includes basic furnishings such as a desk, bed, and wardrobe. Students might need to provide their own bedding and towels​.

What financial support is available for international students ?

Various scholarships and financial aid options are available for international students, including those from DAAD and other organizations​.

Can I participate in a dual study program as an international student ?

Yes, but working limitations apply. Dual study programs combine theoretical studies with practical work experience, usually in collaboration with partner companies.

What insurance is required for matriculation ?

Students need to have health insurance to enroll in a university. Public insurance is common for students under 30, but private options are available too​.

How can I travel around Germany without a car ?

Germany has an extensive public transportation system, including subways, trams, buses, and trains, making it easy to travel without a car​.

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